Massage Therapy in Bellaire, TX

If you’re looking for a massage therapist near you in Bellaire, TX or in the Houston area our massage therapists at Pledge To Fitness are experienced and certified. Our team will help you achieve long-term fitness and a more relaxed state of mind. Many other therapy techniques have been proven to boost physical and mental health and wellness. These techniques include many forms of massages, including sports massages, deep tissue massages, and more. Learn more about our massage techniques or schedule an appointment with our team. We look forward to helping you improve your wellness.

Elevate you Health and Wellness with Massage Therapy at Pledge To Fitness Studio In Bellaire, TX
Bellaire Massage Therapy by Pledge To Fitness

What Is Massage Therapy?

Massage therapy is when a certified massage therapist rubs and works your body’s soft tissue, including tendons, ligaments, muscles, connective tissue, and skin. With varied movements and pressure, the massage therapist can provide the patient with many benefits, including reduced stress, lessening pain, and strengthening the immune system. Massage therapy can help with many conditions and issues. If you think massage therapy may be right for you, contact our certified experts today.

What Types of Massage
We Offer

At Pledge to Fitness, we offer many types of massage to provide essential relief to many patients in our community of Bellaire, TX. You can book either a 30-minute or 60-minute session of massage therapy, and you can choose one of the following massages:

Massage Therapy in Bellaire, TX

How Massage Therapy Works

Our goal at Pledge To Fitness is to support your workouts and lifestyle through regular massage therapy. When you choose Pledge To Fitness for your wellness plan, you can expect an incredibly beneficial service that might greatly improves your life.

  • Knowledgeable therapists that understand your daily life, workouts, and physical state.
  • Learn how to recover properly, relieve tension, and correct aches caused by muscular imbalance.
  • Achieve balance, relieve pain, sustain long-term fitness, and stress relief.
  • Achieve a relaxed, stress-free state proven to improve immune function naturally.
  • Release muscle tension – lessen or completely relieve body pains.
  • Maintain a functional and relaxed state with massage as part of your self-care routine.
  • Improve flexibility and mobility at your own pace.
  • Gain access to massage therapy that fits your schedule.

Which Injuries Most Benefit from Therapeutic Massage?

While many injuries can benefit and be treated with therapeutic massage, we have listed out the following injuries that most often require therapeutic massage:


  • Auto accident injuries
  • Limited range of motion injuries
  • Neck, shoulder, and back injuries
  • Repetitive motion injuries
  • Slip and fall injuries

When you come to Pledge To Fitness, we will ask for your medical history to help us determine what massage techniques and integrated health and wellness plan we should recommend. Massage therapy can help balance the muscles and resolve much pain through the soft tissues of your body.

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Benefits of Massage Therapy

There are many benefits of massages, including physical and mental benefits. Sometimes when people think of massages, they think of a spa day or a special occasion. Massages can be a wonderful tool for many ailments and pains as part of a regular treatment plan. Some of the physical massage benefits include:

Physical Benefits
  • Improved circulation
  • Quicker recovery between workouts
  • Improved flexibility
  • Less pain and soreness
  • Decreased muscle stiffness
  • Decreased joint inflammation
  • Better quality of sleep
  • Strengthened immune response
Mental Benefits :
  • Lower stress levels
  • Improved relaxation
  • Improved mood
  • Decreased anxiety
  • More energy
  • Increase the feeling of wellness

Why Choose Pledge To Fitness​

Get started for free with no risk. Book a free session and see if it’s right for you. We are passionate about providing our members and clients with complete care and improvement in their wellness goals. When you choose our team in Bellaire, TX for your massage therapy, you can expect the ultimate care and results. With our personalized touch, you can truly reach your health and wellness goals.

Contact Us for Massage Therapy​

Contact our team today at 713.401.2841 for more information about our massage therapy or to book a free session. Learn more about our other services, including personal training and nutrition coaching.