Managing Stress: Is It Worthy Of Worrying

A thoughtful man with his hand on his jaw, worrying but not despairing, probably managing stress.

Managing stress: Is it Worthy of Worrying? A knowledgeable and worldly client of mine inspired me with these words during one of our training sessions. With all the distractions, work stress, and curveballs in life, I think it resonates truer today than ever before. I can certainly go into how  stress affects your health and how it can wreak havoc on your body, fitness, and body composition. It can eat away at the simple pleasures that many will let go unnoticed each and every day. It can ruin your fitness goals by holding onto that excess body fat like gripping onto the armrest when you’re flying through turbulence. An abundance of stress can certainly change your hormonal profile and functionality of the digestive system, as well as have an impact on your psyche.

What not to Worry About

So instead of letting things get to you, try and follow these “words of the wise” and keep health and happiness centered on you! Take note of these four strategies to manage stress and that are not so “worthy of worrying.”

 1. Things You Can’t Control

It’s important to recognize that worrying about things beyond your control is not only unproductive but also mentally and physically draining. When you find yourself worrying about circumstances like the weather, traffic, or flight delays, remind yourself that these are external factors that you have no influence over. Instead of wasting your energy on these uncontrollable situations, focus on how you respond to them.

For instance, if you’re stuck in traffic, use that time to listen to an interesting podcast or audiobook. If your flight is delayed, it could be an opportunity to catch up on reading or plan your next steps.  Manage stress by shifting your focus from the uncontrollable to what you can manage. This strategy not only reduces stress, but also helps you maintain a positive and proactive mindset.

2. Things other people do

Another common source of worry is the opinions and actions of others. It’s natural to care about what people think, but constantly worrying about it can lead to unnecessary stress and anxiety. Remember, you can’t control how others think or behave, only how you react to them.

Cultivate a sense of self-assurance by focusing on your values and goals. Seek feedback from trusted friends or mentors, but don’t let the fear of judgment hinder your progress. Embrace constructive criticism, but let go of negative or unhelpful opinions that don’t align with your personal growth.

3. Things in the Past

Worrying about past events is another area where many people get stuck. While it’s beneficial to reflect on past experiences to learn from them, dwelling on past mistakes or missed opportunities can prevent you from moving forward.

Practice self-compassion and forgive yourself for past errors. Acknowledge what you’ve learned and use those lessons to make better decisions in the future. Remember, the past cannot be changed, but your present actions can shape a better future.

4. Future Uncertainties

The future is inherently uncertain, and worrying about potential outcomes can create a significant amount of stress. While it’s wise to plan and prepare for the future, excessive worry about what might happen can be paralyzing.

Focus on what you can do today to create a positive future. Set realistic goals, make actionable plans, and take steps toward achieving them. Embrace the uncertainty with a mindset of adaptability and resilience. Trust in your ability to handle whatever comes your way, and remind yourself that many worries about the future never come to pass.

Building Thick Skin: A Trait for a Healthy Life

Having thick skin is important in today’s fast paced, harsh reality of a world. Being able to let things bounce off of you as if you were wearing iron man’s suit is certainly a good trait to have and good for your health. Anything truly upsetting should be addressed, but if what is troubling you is something listed in those four categories please take a minute, take a breath, and remember it isn’t worth the worry.

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