5 Weight Loss Tips

5 Weight Loss Tips | Pledge to Fitness

These 5 Weight Loss Tips unravel the intricacies of weight management, emphasizing the simplicity of “move more, eat less” as a fundamental truth. In a world inundated with fitness advice and weight loss strategies, The Pledge To Fitness Team challenges conventional wisdom, suggesting that the key to shedding pounds lies not in the workout itself but in the habits formed. We delve into practical approaches, encouraging a holistic perspective on health and wellness. So, let’s step away from the familiar narratives, challenge preconceptions, and embark on a fitness journey that makes it possible to sustain weight loss. The destination? A healthier, happier you, awaiting at the end of your transformative efforts. Enjoy and experience our 5 Tips for Weight Loss, and don’t miss the video from Mayo Clinic debunking 6 weight loss myths: information is power!

1) Exercise doesn’t really help with weight loss.

There I said it, but it’s not really the exercise that causes the weight loss, rather the habit you adopt. Working out gets you out of that seated position, away from the junk food, and moving. As a general rule a healthy adult needs  30 minutes of moderate physical activity every day. Are you following this well-accepted rule?  These are all the contributing factors for healthy and sustainable weight loss.

2) Move more, eat less. Sounds simple, but it’s the truth.

The more you move (walking, biking, swinging a kettlebell, playing with your kids) the more calories you burn. And the less you over eat the more body fat you will lose. The only hard part is to make sure the food you do eat meets your minimum requirements and is portioned appropriately. You will notice a significant difference, but if you are confused we are here to help!

3) No need to kill yourself every time you step in the gym.

The “No pain, No gain” motto is flat out wrong! The fact that you can’t move the day after the workout means you are going to move less overall. This burns less total calories throughout the week, and is a sure fire way to get hurt. Talk to a trainer about an appropriate training program catered to your goals, and not just some cookie cutter program you find online.

4) Nutrition is key, but don’t be fooled by fake claims.

First, there is no supplement brand that is clinically proven to be effective at helping you maintain weight loss. Second, you don’t detox your body by drinking special teas or smoothies. You detox all day, every day with the help of your liver and kidneys, it is their primary function. Drinking these special products won’t help any more than eating a salad or drinking water. Third, speaking of water, alkaline water does not improve health. Your expensive high pH water turns to acid once in the stomach. Your body has special processes that keep you at the same pH all the time, without the help of any expensive products. Your optimal nutrition strategy: drink water, eat nutrient rich foods, and get some quality sleep!

5) Get others involved.

Think about this: when you travel or go to the movies do you go alone or do you like to share the experience? Why should your weight loss journey be any different? Grab a family member, friend, or a trainer to work out with you and get you motivated. You can also consider to join a fitness group, it will boost your motivation to workout. So hop up out of your chair, stop reading this article, and get moving.  We look forward to seeing you at the gym!

Achieving and Maintaining a Healthy Weight is no Joke

Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is a journey that requires patience, effort, and support. The Pledge Team can help you find the best path for your health and well-being. Our knowledgeable team will work with you to ensure that your wellness plan is sustainable over the long term, not just for a short period. Sustainable plans are essential for keeping weight off permanently because they involve making lasting changes to diet, exercise, and lifestyle. This multifactor approach to weight loss is the cornerstone of our methodology. Contact us for a consultation online or at our studio located in Bellaire, in the heart of Houston, TX.

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